Men’s Community Bible Study

Each week men from across the region gather together to open their Bibles and study God’s Word at 7:00 a.m. on Thursday mornings.  Our time begins with a biscuit and fellowship around the table.  The teaching each week is directed at where men are in their lives as we apply the principles of Scripture to the role of being a man of God.  Currently we are looking at various male characters in Scripture and the lessons that can be gleaned from their lives and God’s work in and through them.  Our study is open to all denominations and we have a very diverse group of men who love the Lord.  Please join us as we fellowship and study together.  This study is lead by Pastor Bill Cain.  We finish each study by 7:45 so men can be at work by 8:00 a.m. if needed.

We meet at the following location:

Benaiah Ministries Building
2215 Scootch Davis Road
Louisville, GA 30434